28 April, 2023 Financial Planning

Planner’s Corner: Embracing Retirement

Just as the seasons of the year each have unique beauty and challenges, so do the seasons in our lives. Retirement is like the Fall/Winter season. My primary concern for many who are transitioning into retirement is not financial, it’s how they adjust...

28 April, 2023 Special Reports and Newsletters

Bloom Where You Are Planted: Jody Groenendyk, Blankets of Love Foundation for Mental Health

In 2020, Jody Groenendyk, a PHD Research Associate studying cancer at the University of Alberta, started quilting to combat the added stress of COVID isolation and to assist with her mental health. Therapy and quilting helped her achieve some balance...

28 April, 2023 Events

Canada Life Acquires Investment Planning Counsel (IPC)

Lighthouse Financial’s back-office provider, IPC, has been acquired by Canada Life from IGM Financial. Both IGM Financial and Canada Life are part of the Power group of companies. Canada Life, a subsidiary of Great West-Lifeco, is a home-grown Canadian...